? ??????????????Red Swirl? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.6 (165 Ratings)??17 Grabs Today. 20530 Total Grabs. ?????
?Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Last Beat? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??16 Grabs Today. 2130 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Activity (14): The structure of DNA

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


eBay is the world's online marketplace; a place for buyers and sellers to come together and trade almost anything.

Here's how eBay works:
*A seller lists an item on eBay, most anything from antiques to cars, books to sporting goods. The seller chooses to accept only bids for the item (an auction-type listing) or to offer the Buy It Now option, which allows buyers to purchase the item right away at a fixed price.
*In an online auction, the bidding opens at a price the seller specifies and remains on eBay for a certain number of days. Buyers then place bids on the item. When the listing ends, the buyer with the highest bid wins.
*In a Buy It Now listing, the first buyer willing to pay the seller's price gets the item.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Class Activity..!



Friends There's nothing as nice as someone who shares,

your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares,

someone who's there through your good times and tears,

who stays by your side as your friend through the years.

- Autymn Skillings -


Frnds Thre's nthing as nic as sm1 who shares,

yr laughter, yr secrts, yr wishes nd cares,

sm1 who's ther through yr gd tyms and tears,

who stays by yr sid as yr frnd through the yrs.

- Autymn Skillings -

All about SMS..

^ Click on the Title ^_^

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One minute painting!!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

فرشيـ الترابـ ..

فرشي التراب يضمني وهو غطائي..حولي الرمال تلفني بل من ورائي

واللحد يحكي ظلمتاً فيها ابتلائي..والنور خط كتابه انسي لقائي

والأهل اين حنانهم باعوا وفائي..والصحب اين جموعهم تركواايخائي

والمال اين هنائه صارا ورائي..والاسم اين بريقه بين الثنائي

هذي نهاية حالي فرشي التراب..والحب ودع شوقه وبكا رثائي

والدمع جف مسيره بعد البكائي..والكون ضاق بوسعه ضاقة الفضائي

فاللحد صار بجثتي ارضي سمائي..هذه نهاية حالي فرشي التراب

والخوف يملئ غربتي والحزن دائي..ارجوا الثبات وانه قسم دوائي

والرب ادعوا مخلصا انت رجائي..ابغي الاهي جنتا فيها هنائي

قَلــــمَـ بِــلا كَلِماتـ

مادامت الكلمات رحلت..وفرغت ساحة الصفحات
لماذا اقف انا هاهنا..منتصب القامة متأهب هكذا
لأركن جانبا هنا بالجوار..لست ببعيدا فى انتظار
كنت احسب نفسى صانع الكلمات وصاحب الكلمة
كنت اظن صوتى من حروف واثار قدمى معانى
اصبحت انتظر السيل فلا ياتى. ....والطل بخيل
صرت قلما التحف غطائى واتوسد فارغ الصفحات
تأتى شموس ايام وتغمرها ساعات غروب ونسيان
وتلمع من جديد النجوم وتستحى فى هيبة النهار
وتدور الافلاك وتمر الساعات.... وترحل الليلات
وانا وغطائى مترافقين فى سكون الموتى بلا كلمات
وانامل متكاسلة تقترب منى وترحل دون سلام او وداع
وخضم من مشاعر يجول بنفس ليست من هنا ببعيدة
وتضارب قرارات وكثير تحاورات وشديد لهجة مع الذات
ولا تاتينى همسة لاكتبها... ولا حتى جديد كلمات
صرت فأس مزارع هرم..يغفو بجوار ارض جرداء
دلو بأر نضبت مياهه..ومازال هو والحبال رفقاء
تملأ الأحبار جوفى..واحمل للصفحات شوق لقاء

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Five Philosophies of Life


What Is a Leader?

*People have many different definitions. Here's a few to get you thinking:
· Leadership is guiding and showing the the way for other people and helping them work together to find direction. It's getting people to cooperate and do things together. It means you can lead a group.
· Leadership is the ability to be looked upon as a role model.
· Being a leader is being able to stand up for what you believe in. It means you help to make new ideas, you don't just follow old one.
· Leadership is the ability to lead people or represent them. It all starts with responsibility. Your actions not only affect you, but everyone you represent.
. Be very dedicated to what you are doing. Being a leader is a lot of responsibility and hard work, and you have to be up to it. Truly understand the field in which you are leading and be willing to spend a lot of time with whoever you're working with.

*Steps to be a leader
. Help out others as much as you can. Spend quality time with those that need you.

. Know right from wrong. Be cooperative as much as you can but also realize when you need to be assertive. Let people know when they are doing something that is not right.

. Lead from the front. Put yourself on the front lines with your people, instead of trying to lead by just barking orders.

. Be a good role model. Support the people you are working with and do all you can to show people the strength of your group.

. Have confidence and be positive. A good leader never lets their team down. The meaning of the word team is Together Everyone Achieves More. Work with everyone you can and have a good attitude.

. Lead by Example If you're unable to do the orders you're giving, the ones you are leading will not take you seriously and will not follow your orders.